
How do I connect SpinSub to SpinBase?

SpinBases sold after January 1, 2021 feature a 3.5mm subwoofer output, which can connect to the SpinSub input. SpinSub comes with the 2M braided cable.

Does SpinSub work with other speaker systems?

Yes. SpinSub also pairs seamlessly with traditional audio systems (e.g. book shelf speakers) equipped with a compatible sub output.

What is the crossover and slope for the SpinSub when paired with the SpinBase?

The SpinSub Low pass filter is adjustable from 50-180Hz and is 12dB per Octave. We calibrated it such that with the frequency and level knobs knob centered it's at 85Hz, and blends nicely with Spinbase in most instances. However, room acoustics and placement may suggest tweaking either frequency, level, or both some instances.